Covid-19 Update: 3/30/20
Last week’s statements from Governor Walz and Governor Evers regarding Shelter-in-Place and Safer-At-Home orders will be further affecting the areas and businesses we serve. For many, this can be an uncertain and confusing time, so we wanted to update our community as to how Arrowhead Printing is operating under the new mandates.
Essential Businesses
Between the specific services we provide, such as mailings, and the essential businesses we support, Arrowhead Printing is itself considered an essential business. This means that we will remain open to ensure we continue to support and provide our services to other essential businesses during this tough time.
Customer Interaction & Safety Measures
We take the safety and wellbeing of the public and our staff very seriously. In order to ensure we are able to continue the production we do to support essential businesses, we have put forth measures to reduce the spread of the virus.
The nature of our business and the layout of our building naturally separates the majority of our staff well beyond the CDC’s recommended social-distancing guidelines. In addition, we have been ensuring we keep gatherings and close contact within our walls to an absolute minimum.
To ensure the safety of our customers, we are requesting all members of the public remain in the vestibule area while inside our building. The counter and wall within that area serve as a barrier to close contact between our staff and the public. This also allows us to efficiently sanitize a very specific area after each transaction.
For any of our customers who prefer not to enter our building, we will continue to offer our free delivery service, will ship orders as requested, and are now offering curb-side delivery. Anyone who would like to utilize curbside delivery can park in our lot and call 218-727-1513 to request we deliver the package to your car.
We have been and will continue to be sanitizing workstations and machinery on a daily basis (more frequently for higher-trafficked areas), and we are continuing to do more extensive sanitizing during our non-business hours.
Placing Orders
During a time when non-essential travel is prohibited and safety is of utmost concern, we encourage customers to place orders via phone, email or online. All of the information to do so is listed below.
Moving Forward
These are ever-changing times, so we will continue to monitor events, follow government and CDC guidelines, and update the public as necessary.
If you would like to receive updates on this as the days and weeks progress, please email sgardonio@myapi1.com to be added to our email list.
We know these times are tough on everyone. But, we also know that our communities possess a strength and camaraderie that will pull us all through this together.
Contact Information
Call: 218-727-1513
Email: printer@arrowheadprinting.com
Submit a request at: Our Quote Page